
Urbane Legends & Cryptids, Unsolved Mysteries and Forbidden Ghosties & Ghoulies & Creepies


    Urban Legends
    Lost Dimensions

Urban Legends

Stuff behind waterfalls

It is a common belief that every waterfall contains a secret.

Waterfalls are often considered serene and beautiful places... Maybe you too can find peace and serenity by starting at that waterfall above...

so it's now common to see waterfalls as functional places that obscure important items and treasures. But is this the case? Has this always been the case? Where does this belief stem from?

When you see a waterfall, do you feel a desire to look behind it? Ask yourself WHY. Is it healthy? Maybe it's good to just not look behind waterfalls at all... Maybe it's unhealthy.

(Incomplete list of) Things that have been found behind waterfalls:

Jade cat Cave Orichalcum Gold Skulltula House made of candy


An old grainy photo of a portal

Portals are like @doors@ of a kind.... Imagine if you will, a door that has like a spirally whirly pattern that takes you somewhere else.

Hey portals aren't that scary, though.... They're actually fairly easy to traverse. They're a good way to travel to otherworlds.

Legend has it these things are all over the place, hidden behind service doors that only phyiscal labourers who work in the sewers know about. They're usually gateways to move around the planet you're on, rather than to other planets. like simple A-B portals that people use to travel faster.


Spiral heads/ Faceless people

Various examples of Spiral-headed creatures seen throughout various dimensions.

No-one knows who these people are or where they came from. Sometimes they simply have no eyes and toothy mouths, sometimes they have spirals where thier eyes should be. Contrary to popular belief, they can see. In fact, they see better than you or me.

Like to make a mockery of humans by drawing eyes where a humans eyes would be.

DANGER LEVEL: not dangerous? most likely.



Witches can be seen hither and thither and they wear these like big funny hats and they do magic

Also they can sometimes run shops that sell cool items.

RARITY: Very rare
DANGER LEVEL: Only dangerous if you annoy them.

Devil Girls

A devil girl

There is a legendary group of party-crashers known as the Devil Girls... They show up to parties to keep people safe. They take over the space and defend anyone who falls into harm, i.e partying too hard, getting drunk, getting attacked. They make a party really kick off.

RARITY: Semi-rare, must throw party

Lost Dimensions

Semi-complete list of lost dimensions

Not much is known about the font of life for the simple reason that anyone who goes there is usually stuck there, and transforms into a sort of blue mutant creature. Or so we're told. It is reversible, but it takes a journey that will challenge you in every regard
A garden filled with surreal things... A bit like the original garden of earthly delights but like, different
Appears but once every few years. A disc-shaped world filled with creatures that went extinct. These creatures maintain a spiritual quality and come from all over multiverses. The landscape is also very unusual. First seen many years ago in the first iteration of "Akraadodo" (started 2004) and later seen brought back again in "The Lost Serpent Of Akraadodo" (started 2020)