
This is the "Dark Gallery". Unlike the regular gallery this is where I put the stuff that has a different feel to it- art that's less clean and I'm less happy with, such as debugger art, and subject matter more distressing... But still beautiful in its own way.

Nothing here is going to be TOO distressing- just darker in mood.

Prepare yourself to see mind-twisting horrors the likes of which you've never seen...

Screens from "Disappear":

Screenshots from Disappear, which was a stealth game where you play as an invisible girl who is just a pair of shoes. You stab nazis with a knife by sneaking up on them. It was a little violent. Had various things that parodied the far-right british media. Click the pix to enhance.

Screens from "Lost Tapes":

Screenshots from "Lost Tapes". Not sure what this was about other than a bunch of people in a deserts years and tears into the future digging artifacts up.

Screens from "I'm Going Hollywood":

A game that follows ME as I go to gorgeous hollywood, California, and stumble upon a muder- Woody Allen has been defeated, and I've been tasked to find the murderer to clear my name. Cutscenes were all done in text form like above. Extremely trashy looking, gave up on it cause it was taking too long and I stopped enjoying it

This is the only known screenshot of my long-in-development game "Ol' Jasturbator TheFuck Of The Rings"

Attempt at making "Crawl Into A Hole Online" the online sequel to Crawl Into A Hole. It didn't work out cause I had no idea how to do online.

Ha Ha Ha... You have made it to the end of the Dark Gallery....... 'Til Next Time, Traveller....!