
Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet

For a long time I have worked on this little world... Its name is Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet. It's a pink planet filled with all kinds of strange things... It's a template I've often used as a blank slate for indulging my desire to create surreal and fun environments. It's characterised by having pink grass and rocks. It is sometimes shortened to "TSNPP", and sometimes the hyphens in its name are inconsistent.

The games usually followed the perspective of "Devourer", a girl with a spiral for a face. Her name is often shortened to "Dev", and by some residents of the planet, incorrectly, "Deborah". She's the protagonist of the first two games. Her story is that she's not resident of TSNPP either- but a celestial being sent there by some godlike figure, to do something-or-other.

Rare impressions of what Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet looks from the outside




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The first game I made that featured the Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet. Called "Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet" on first creation, but now known only as "Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet 0" to establish it as part of a canon. It was never finished due to technical bugs. But there will be more games in the TSNPP universe some day...

I released what was made as a scrap game on in 2016. I started the game in 2014 as a platform for trying out new ideaas and finally making the find of game I'd dreamed of- a large-sized RPG action adventure with combat and the like. You can play it now- but it's as rough as you might expect. You also have the opportunity to just teleport around wherever you wanna go. Unfortunatley you can't talk to some people, and you can also get stuck and unable to move in some places. There are no goals, you just explore the place.

Some images from The first TSNPP game. The environments were fairly diverse. You also got to ride the train and find things far outside the first few areas.

Game Made While Procrastinating On Another Game

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A short little game I made where you play as Dev again, in a small 2D island within TSNPP where you go around collecting tokens. These tokens were a planned feature of the first game that got cut. It's a bit shorter and scrappier than I like, and shows off the planet in a more abstract form. I don't think the planet necessarily looks like this, but it's a different interpretation of what the place feels like.

2D graphics and a bit of fusion of photoreal pictures make this a unique depiction of the TSNPP.

Flamingo Quest

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The first hit game in the TSNPP universe- follows one of the characters planned to be a minor character in the first game, Flamingo, a girl who was raised by flamingos. I had become more obsessed with her than Dev lately and wanted to give her her own game. In a way this game stands great on its own because of how well the pink environments fit with the style of flamingoes.
The game also brings back features from the first game, such as an on-screen news ticker and the moving patterns on the doors. It's a much less janky game too, where room transitions are improved and load times are better.

The game is practically next-gen compared to the first one, also changed up a few things because of Flamingo's qualities. She can't jump, and the gmae is zelda-style where you collect a set number of items that act as keys.

Last Game of the Decade

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The Planet appears for a fairly big section in Last Game Of The Decade 2019- where you and some other characters take a little spaceship from Earth to there- as it has recently parked itself near earth- and step off and explore, looking for items as is the case in all the Last Game Of The Year games. This game is first-person and the TSNPP section consists of a few rooms, and you get to visit the burger restaurant from Flamingo Quest and talk to Flamingo. You get to talk to Dev, too, but you can also do that on Earth in this game

In this area of Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet, more expansive, ancient imagery appears, such as the rock above. You also get to see some of LGOTD's real-life collage style influence it this time, as mountains are used to illustrate longer distances than you commonly see on the planet!

Known Features of the Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet


Various animals live on this planet. Here are some confirmed ones

FLAMINGO: A tall bird that lives in water.

TUBER: Green frog-like animal that enjoys swimming. Robust, can take a punch

FEARSOME SHADOWMAN: They look a lot like heartless from Kingdom Hearts, but don't worry: They wear a sandwich board confirming they bare no relation whatsoever

MOLE: Rare, hard to find. Vary greatly in size. Live in big houses carved into cliffs. Carry around cups on their heads.

FUZZ'OID: a green tall cylinder seen breifly on the train in Flamingo Quest.


The most commonly-associated geology type of the Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet is canyons of pink grass with water resting underneath them. People often travel around on boats and there are train networks connecting the place up. Humans recently showed up on the planet and started building their own things- usually seedier towns scattered around, as well as their own religious objects. They have built several things and usually don't encroach too much on the natural areas, because it's hard.

There are no borders on TSNPP but there are settlements. The loosely-defined borders on these settlements usually are seperated by vast areas of untouched wildlife and wildlands. These areas are in part considered "dangerous" but actually they're fairly passable.

The most common language on TSNPP is english, and no-one knows why. It arrived on the planet a long time before humans showed up. The technology level is good enough that there is TV and radio, that's usually available to hear from the commonly-adopted "News Ticker" you can carry around with you, and in various other places. There is no centralised TV network. There is also a chain of burger restaurants known as "Burger Jirl"


Various people who can be found on Top Secret Neon-Pink Planet at various times:

Dev: not resident. Ethereal Dee: not resident. From Earth. Sister of Cloe Cloe: not resident. From Earth. Sister of Dee Flamingo: resident. Human??? Very strong
Cam: not resident. From Earth. has never lived on TSNPP. Rumours: not resident. From Earth. has never lived on TSNPP. Bun: not resident. Cameo. Shade: not resident. Cameo.
Elaine: occaisional resident. Runs a shop in TSNPP0.